Know what you’re standing in

Howard had a revelation which will save our mighty nation.
Without a doubt he’s made a big mistake, he says
“Workplace Choices now are so unfair that they will have to go”.
It’s a pity he didn’t ask the workers – they could have told him so.
He’s making television ads with $5 Mil of our hard earned dosh
He says he wants us to know what it is we’re standing in.

He says “Labor can’t be trusted and that all unions should be busted”.
He’s running round the country giving “Australia Writhing” speeches.
He’s standing on the headlands but scrupulously avoiding beaches
he doesn’t want a jolt or to make the same mistake as Harold Holt.
At the next election he says the “Liberals might be annihilated”.
That is what we’ve been wishing. It’s for that that we have waited.

Howard handed our future fund to a trusted Enron banker.
He said he had to do it because Costello is a wanker.
He says he trust the Yanks to mind the fund for all of us,
that we should be relaxed and comfortable and not make a fuss.
There is something rather silly about his way of gilding the lily,
and nothing at all funny about what he’s doing with our money;
but we know where we’re standing and we know which stand we’re taking.

First published in Union Songs 11/7/2007
also published in The Woodstock Journal CMFEU Tasmania page 7, Winter 2007