Would you rather trust Howard or the Dodgy Brothers?

Who do you trust
to rip off workers
to promote the interests
of all rich shirkers;
to smash his antagonists?
Who do you trust
to crack down on unionists?
Who do you trust
to massage the economy
to lie and steal and
invade your autonomy?
Who do you trust
with climate change
with global warming
with your small change
and Iraq storming?
Who do you trust
to help the workers win,
to rip away awards
and make the bosses grin?
Who do you trust
to behave decently
to help the less fortunate
to treat the poor honestly?
Who do you trust
with public health
to connive and cheat
to do deals in stealth?
Who do you trust
with education
to care for your interests
and those of the nation?
Who do you trust
to weave and dodge
and invite bosses to the Lodge?
Who do you trust
to live at Kirribilli
and entertain Liberals willy nilly?

First published Al-Moharer 27/6/2007