
I was asked the other day
if I would work without any pay
on slogans to help the NT
get tourists to prolong their stay.

So with thoughts congested, I suggested
they might like to try.
“Mandatory sentencing is
something for the whole family.”


“Get sedated.
Visit Darwin’s jails
and see where southern taxpayers’
money is being wasted.”


“Come to the Northern Territory
it ‘s better than purgatory.”


“Visit the Uranium Province because
you’ll never, never glow
if you never, never go.”


“You’ll find Darwin charming
not at all alarming
Have a swinging time
at Don Dale Jail.”

They were not impressed
and I got quite distressed
when they said
“I’d stolen their time.”
I asked was that a property crime?
Would I have to walk the line?
They just told me to
“hang in there”.

Written in the early 2000s to draw attention to too many Aboriginal deaths in custody in the NT.