Protecting workers’ rights

First published in Union Songs 9/8/2006

Workplace rights are not for sale
Howard and Co are going to fail
worst choice jobs – beyond the pale.
We are workers, not crims on bail.

Profits first and people last
is an idea whose time has passed.
We’ll fight for workers’ dignity
with a quiet serenity,
for a fair day’s work and a fair day’s pay
with arbitration holding sway.
We’ll hold out come what may
worker’s rights are here to stay.
Though the mighty would betray,
workers together will hold the day.

They can stick their pomp and ceremony
workers united will be free.
This unjust system they’d disguise
with half truths and bare-faced lies
by which they hope to sanitise.
But it’s dead – we see the flies.

Workplace rights are not for sale
Howard and Co should go to jail
worst choice jobs – beyond the pale.
Together we will never fail.