Julia Gillard has refused to act

unpublished comment 2012

Julia Gillard has refused to apologise to the wife of Mamdouh Habib despite the fact that:

AUSTRALIA’S intelligence watchdog has called on the federal government to apologise to the wife of former Guantanamo Bay detainee Mamdouh Habib, for not keeping her informed about his welfare and circumstances.

The recommendation comes in a report by the Inspector-General for Intelligence and Security Dr Vivienne Thom given to the government in December, but only publicly released today.  However, Julia Gillard said in a statement the government would not be apologising.

“We are satisfied that Australian agencies and officials performed their duties faithfully in the difficult and unprecedented environment in the aftermath of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks,” Ms Gillard said.
http://www.theaustralian.com.au/national-affairs/pm-refuses-to-apologise-to- mamdouh-habibs-wife/story-fn59niix-1226308462086

This Prime Minister has form for ignoring the advice of the referee when such advice clashes with her preconceived wisdom or the interests of ASIO and their US masters. Hundreds of asylum seekers languish for months or years in detention centres awaiting an ASIO clearance long after they have been found to be refugees. We are staying in Afghanistan, we are welcoming US troops to be based on our shores, we are even planning to allow the US to base killer drones and other unpiloted surveillance aircraft to be based on our offshore islands in the Indian Ocean.

She was deputy PM when Rudd decided to persevere with the ill-conceived NT Intervention against the advice of the expert committee set up to review the Intervention. Gillard has expanded the denigrating aspects of the Intervention in the NT. She has supported Macklin’s plans to control other social security recipients money in other parts of Australia where large populations of Aboriginal and other non Anglo-Celtic people live.

Fascists, racists, ASIO, Mossad, and the CIA don’t need John Howard anymore to do their bidding they have now got Julia.